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Judge's critics


"Very beautiful type. Powerful body, beautiful head, good pigment. A good neck, topline and tailset. Very good angles. Good chest. High quality of hair . Very pedigree movements. Titles - CW, САС, Champion RKF, Best male, CACIB!- expert Georges P.De Coyper (Belgium)

/29.06.2008 - the International exhibition of dogs of rank CACIB WHITE Nightes-2, St.-Petersburg, Russia/



Junior Russian Champion, Russian Champion , Grand Champion of Russia

Finnish Champion,Champion of Lithuania, Champion of Latvia, Champion of Estonia, CHAMPION OF BALTIC Country,

Champion of Belarus, Champion Evrazya-2010, Champion of National Golden Retriever Club

Champion of RKF,  Champion RFSS, Champion RFLS, Champion OANKOO

International working certificate, 4 CACIB,7 RCACIB, Nomination Crufts


Date of birth: the 5th of October 2005     Breeder: O.Levchenko     Owner: Irina Koroleva (St.-Petersburg, Russia)





4 CACIB: 2 CACIB /Russia - Belye Nochi-2008, Saint-Petersburg and Evrazya-2010, Moscow/, 2 CACIB /Finland/Croatia

7 RCACIB: 4 RCACIB /Russia - Saint-Petersburg-2010, Nizhniy Novgorod-2009, 1 RCACIB /Belarus/,

•1 RCACIB /Finland/, 1 RCACIB /Sweden/

1 Sert /FIN, 1 САС (Lithuania), 1 САС (Latvia), 1 САС (Estonia) /

•59 CAC

5 Jn.CAC, 1 ЮСС

8 Candidate Club Champion, 20 СС

72 CW

4 BJ, 13 BOS, 12 BOB

1 BIG-1, 4 BIG-2, 1 BISjn-2, BIS on the virtual dog-show BIRVI





Ch Rus, Fin, Jn Ch Rus

Etien Konakri Kiril

Int Ch, Grand Ch, Ch Rus, RKF, Mol, Lit, Fin, Bel, Ft-Duck

De Anrit Yanko

Ch Rus

Big Ben Culmensis

Ch Pol

Charming Mistral Of The Four Limes

WW, Ch Dutch, Ger, VDH, Lux, Swiss Tugwood Maxim

Snowy Daisy v.d. Seringenland

Elisa Cerasus

Ch Pol

Midas v. d. Vijf Lijsterbessen


Ch Rus

Strong Stael Vicky

Ch Rus, Grand, RKF, Geo

Camilo Golden Of Francos Valley

WW, Ch Port

Cinmarsh Cassanova

CH Port

Chrys-Haefen Heidi's Legacy

Ch Rus, Ft-Duck

Dream Max Spring Moon

Chribas Cannonball Caddy

Dream Max Good

Luck Charm

Ambergold GK Born Blessed

Ch Germ, VDH

Xanthos Gryffindor

Ch Eng

Ritzilin Brandon

Ch Eng

Perrimay Hugo of Fenwood 

Ch Eng

Ritzilin Stage Door Jenny

Xanthos Purple Patch

Rainscourt Son of a Gun

Xanthos Orange Blossom

Int Ch, Ch Rus, Grand, Ukr, Germ, VDH, Lit, Ft-Duck

Onore D'Alon Gerda

Sandusky Medallian Man

Birdcherrie's Raindrop

Onore Michele

Richana Vicont Gold  

Kris Roreja a Kristian  



judge's critics


November 2009, Special Golden Retrievers Show - Saint-Petersburg.

Judge: A.Woodcock (England): "Very well handled, again by the young girl.Balanced body proportions, lovely bone and feet, covered the ground well on the move"

Evolution & titles: Excellent 2, RCW, CC

May 2009, National Special Golden Retrievers Show - Moscow.

Judge: P.Gowland (England): "Very well balanced lines, nice head and expression, nice reach of neck, balanced angles , good bone, pasterns and feet, good topline, good amount of hip, hock the correct form, fit, good movement, front and rear.."

Evolution & titles: Excellent 2, RCW, CC

April 2009, Special Golden Retrievers Show "Saint-Petersburg".

Judge: Cristine Ashton (England): "Very good proportion bright male with a nice head and expression . Good bone, powerful, pedigree movements."

Evolution & titles: Excellent 2, RCW, CC


29.06.2008, International Dog-Show CACIB-FCI "Belye Nochi 2".

Judge: Georges P.De Coyper (Belgium): "Very beautiful type. Powerful body, beautiful head, good pigment. A good neck, topline and tailset. Very good angles. Good chest. High quality of hair . Very pedigree movements."

Evolution & titles: Excellent 1, CW, САС, BOS, Champion RKF, CACIB!


17.05.2008, National Dog-Show CAC "Vivat Peterburg"

Judge: Anna Brankovich: "Good size and format, good bone, pedigree head with typical expression, correct eyes and ears, a good topline, tailset, typical angles and movements, typical haircolor"

Evolution & titles: Excellent 1, CW, САС, Champion RFSS


18.05.2008, National Dog-Show CAC "Mayskie vstrechi"

Judge: J.Coubiе (France): "very nice balanse, perfectly exposed, excellent head, teeth - norm, expressive eyes, excellent neck. excellent topline, front, a chestt, angles, tailsat"

Evolution & titles: Excellent 1, CW, САС, BOS, BOB, Champion RFSS, BIG-2!


25.11.2007, Special Golden Retrievers Show

Judge: I.Siil (Estonia): "Medium sized, compact, pleasant stylish dog, good head, good neck, good angles, good topline, excellent movements, temperament and present..."

Evolution & titles: Excellent 1, CW, СС!


Judge: Moris Hermel (France): "Dog on quality close to standard , excellent expression, excellent head and proportions, excellent angles , Excellent legs, very good movements "


Judge Andrzej  Stepinsky (Poland): "Pure in lines, excellent angles of legs, an excellent neck, very good head and expression, good movements..."


Judge: Per Iversen (Norway): "Excellent pigment, pleasant head (nice,lovely),good neck, good topline, bone, paws, well muscled dog, good movements and present"



Golden retriever Etien Konakri Kiril

ow.Irina Koroleva. Saint-Petersburg, Russia

mob. +7 921 913 86 99, e-mail:

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Лабрадор.ру Российский Ретривер Клуб, лабрадоры, голдены, щенки. Rambler's Top100 Рейтинг